On the eve of the Pulaski Day Parade, The Polish American Republican Caucus (PARC) held their 28th Annual Champagne Brunch at the elegant Royal Manor in Garfield NJ. Delicious food and great entertainment as the Marching Band ( direct from Poland ) set the mood before Dorothy Kostecka Wieczerak received her "Outstanding Citizen of the Year 2009" Award. Being a photojournalist, I remain neutral- I don't take sides, I take pictures! For history- documenting the trials and tribulations of Man. Liberals one day, conservatives the next ( sometimes both on the same day! ) I shoot junkies and gangs like the Black Spades and Latin Kings ( no pun intended, LOL ) but I am also privileged to capture the crime fighting crusaders like Curtis Sliwa (www.GuardianAngels.org) who is this years Grand Marshall and gave a rousing keynote speech. I photographed him many times over the years but never gave a thought about his Polish background or his Polish wife Mary or son Anthony. And that is exactly the point! Polish Events and Achievements often get little press in United State news. I see now that his actions (sometimes controversy ) and views are cries for concern for a better future - for his family and all our children- bequeath it all he shines as a caring family man! www.2tygodnikpolonijny.com, www.dziennik.com