www.Woodstock-NY.com, www.WoodstockNY.org, www.WoodstockGuide.com, www.WoodstockChamber.com
There are a few perks to being an international artist, usually the gallery or museum picks up all costs for transportation and lodging and if that is not the case then I just inquire ahead to seek a place to stay. Without fail and no matter what part of the world I am heading to, there are folks willing to put me up. I love having access to peoples lives and in return I make new friends and photograph their lifestyle.
Bama Arml (UGA & Ex Vandals) and Sane Smith who did that piece on the BROOKLYN BRIDGE!
Chad (LSDom) and Bama
Johnny Crunch relaxing in his house
Graffiti Legends Smith, Bama, LSDom, Crunch & Flint Dot Dot Dot
Goodbye my friends, Now how and when did that get there!?!